Friday 8 April 2011

Forms of Print technology - Cost / benefit sheet

Gravure (Intaglio) - Skill & Knowledge - Time, patience and you need a steady hand
Cost - Costs a lot because you are paying for expensive paper and machinery
Speed - Slow progress
Aesthetics - Letters go into the paper, that is how it has been printed as an impression on the paper, ink is wiped flat across the sleeve
What technology is needed? - Ink, copper plate, sharpening tools and roller printing.

Letterpress Skill & Knowledge - Need to have precision, patience and an eye of detail
Cost - The cost can be varied, depending on the job that needs to be done.
Speed - Slow
What technology is needed? - Machine, letters, printer and lead

Screen Printing - Skill & Knowledge - Keep focused and detail
Cost - Not that expensive - average
Speed - Slow - time to place each component on machine
Aesthetics - Detailed
What technology is needed? - Dryer, MSDS sheets, presses, wood frames and metal frames

Offset Litho Cost - Cheapest method to produce high quality printing in commercial printing quantities
Speed - Quick and easy production of printing plates
What technology is needed? - Plate, Rubber blanket and ink

TV Listings - Top, Middle and Bottom.

Top Tv Listings Magazine - The magazine at the top of the TV listings market is called "TV & Satellite Week"
- What makes this magazine on the top of the magazine market is the more sophisticated sort of layout compared to the lower market magazines - This magazine costs £1.20 to buy, it's biggest advantages are that it has a planner view, involved 89 tv channels and has 7 pages of film.

Middle Tv Listings Magazine - The magazine in the middle of the TV listings market is called "Total TV Guide"

- What makes this magazine at the middle market of the tv listings magazines is it's average look, its not too sophisticated and its not to rubbish
- This magazine costs £1 it's biggest advantages are that it has 70 pages of listings, and 10 listing pages per day.

Bottom TV Listings Magazine - The magazine at the bottom of the TV Listings market is called "TV Choice"
- What makes this magazine at the bottom of the market is it's tatty and childish look, a cheap magazine like this is usually represented with actors from a soap opera on the front cover The mean advantages of this magazine are: It's cheap price, the magazine costs only 40p.