Me and my classmates asked 3 different teachers: Mr Mather, Mr Watson and Miss Garcia we asked them questions about issues with the school.
We asked them:
What do you think is the most important issue?
Teacher 1 believed that exam results are the main issue around the school his reason why is because it's what the school is based on exams, he also stated that this only really relevant to Year 10 and upwards.
He then said that we have this issue in the school because it's what everybody wants to achieve, good exam results, and finally to finish it off he stated that we should have a more positive attitude towards exams and exam results.
Teacher 2's issue with the school was that the lunch break for staff was too short reasons for this is because the teachers don't have enough time to prepare for the next lesson, the teacher said that this issue only involves staff and the head teacher. The teacher then states that the reason we have this issue is because there is not enough time in the school day, and finally to be able to improve this issue the teacher believes that the school could possibly make the lunch break a bit longer.
Teacher 3 believes the main issue with the school is "Bullying" teacher 3 believes that bullying is a good issue for the magazine because... it would raise awareness of bullying to raise the fact that there is a problem. Teacher 3 believes we have this issue in school because, all children are different and thats what causes bullying, teacher 3 also believes that to improve this issue we can have a system in school in which students can speak to someone about their problems.