Friday, 22 June 2012

Unit 2 Distinction Media
Unit 2 MERIT Letter Correction Exercise
Unit 2D1 PASS Level Spellcheck How to Write an Advertising Proposal

The difference between primary/secondary research and qualitative and quantitive data.

Primary research is when you go out and get your own research, for example: getting people to fill out a questionnaire.

Secondary research is when you get research that someone else has collected, for example: reading a book, or using the internet.

Quantitative data is data that is in a form of numbers that can easily be put into graphs etc. Where as qualitative data is data based on opinions.

photoshop perfume

18C Evaluation Questions

Evaluation questions

CAP Codes used by the ASA

My advert does not mislead the consumer in anyway, my advert fits all the cap codes used by the ASA. The roses are an indication of the scent of the perfume, and a symbol of passion, which is what my advert is supposed to be advertising to my target audience. Also the picture on my advert has not been changed in any way that would mislead the buyer because it looks exactly like my product will look when they buy it, for example it will not be a different colour or shape. My final advert does not display the price because it makes the advert look far too tacky and unappealing so therefore it shall be displayed on the company’s website and in the shops instead.

Perfume Questionnaire

Do You Like How My Perfume Advert is Set Out

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Five Brand/Product names with fonts.

Five Possible Brand Names

Block Design for perfume advert

Block Design Ideas for My Perfume Advert

Target Audience For Perfume

Target Audience for Perfume

Perfume Moodboard

Perfume Moodboard

Client Proposal Unit 18B

Proposal submitted on: 21st June 2012

To: The head of advertisement co-ordination of the House of Fragrance LTD.

Proposal submitted by: Bradley Pock

To Whom It May Concern,

This is a Client advertising proposal for our company “Superi” our new perfume product. This proposal is being presented to all our existing and prospective clients proposing an advertisement plan for marketing regulations of our first ever fragrance.
The new upcoming fragrance of the year has evolved from extensive research regarding what women want, what they like to wear on a night out when they’re trying to make an effort for that someone special.
Here is an overview of our latest products. Our past products have specialized in women’s lotions and oils that help to enhance moisture and give longer lasting elasticity to the skin. The oils that our products use have a natural fragrance that is slowly released throughout the day. These products were recently approved by the international dermatology standard in the UK.
To advertise our product we have organized different methods of advertising using the following media;
  • Renowned beauty magazines and newspapers that directly target our market.
  • We also plan to sponsor various events or clothing lines in order to breakthrough to a larger amount of people than originally possible.
  • Advertisement placements have also been arranged to be regulated among certain television channels.

The total cost for the advertisements have been budgeted at £100,000 approximately. Advertising shall commence two weeks prior to official release.
Release date: 12th February 2012.

We look forward to hearing your response.

Product company/brand

Task One:

My chosen product that I am going to advertise on behalf of  our company “Superi”, meaning heaven, is a brand new perfume for single women who wanted to add more spice and passion into their standard lives.
We chose the name “midnight passion” in order to show our customers that this perfume is seductive, and sexy, so exactly what every woman wants in her handbag with her when she goes out at night. Superi is a company that upholds values of individuality and immense quality/standards in the products we create and advertise to our customers.
Our expert designers have come up with a unique and slender design for our product, it shall be in a purple bottle in the shape of a female torso, and our chosen scent for the perfume shall be lavender to link with the colour scheme we used. It will have images of stars, moons and roses designed on the bottle using the matt paint technique.

The Role Of The Advertising Standards Authority

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the self-regulatory organization of the advertising industry in the UK. Its role is to “regulate the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing in the UK by investigating complaints made about ads, sales promotions or direct marketing”.  They decide whether such advertising compiles with its advertising standards codes. These codes are in order to make sure before they submit a marketing way of communicating, they must provide evidence to prove all claims, that the communication given across is not mislead by inaccuracy or exaggeration etc.

Shoe Advert Block Designs

Shoe Advert Block Designs

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Three shoes ad comparison

Three Shoes Ads Comparison

My Magazine Block Designs

My Magazine Block Designs

Evaluation Questions


Questionnaire Spreadsheet

Question Air Re Spreadsheet

Magazine Questionnaire Reply 3

Media Questionnaire Reply 3

Magazine Questionnaire Reply 2

Media Questionnaire Reply 2

Magazine Questionnaire Reply 1

Media Questionnaire Reply 1

TV Listings Photoshop Design

TV Listings Block Design

TV Listings Block Design

TV Magazine Cover Powerpoint

TV Magazine Cover Features

University Of Hertingham Print Report.

Print Report

Unit 7 Task 7B

If a company or brand wants to use an image that already exists for their advert or magazine etc, they will need to pay the person who took the picture this is a fee called copyright. Model releases are crucial throughout the whole world, especially when a photograph or image of a recognizable person e.g. celebrity, is used in advertising. Even if the face of the person is not visible but the person is capable of being identified because of certain things. Also in some countries, a property release is also required when a building is used for advertising. Trademark laws may protect some famous buildings but if a famous building is included in a skyline then a property release is not needed.