Thursday 21 June 2012

Product company/brand

Task One:

My chosen product that I am going to advertise on behalf of  our company “Superi”, meaning heaven, is a brand new perfume for single women who wanted to add more spice and passion into their standard lives.
We chose the name “midnight passion” in order to show our customers that this perfume is seductive, and sexy, so exactly what every woman wants in her handbag with her when she goes out at night. Superi is a company that upholds values of individuality and immense quality/standards in the products we create and advertise to our customers.
Our expert designers have come up with a unique and slender design for our product, it shall be in a purple bottle in the shape of a female torso, and our chosen scent for the perfume shall be lavender to link with the colour scheme we used. It will have images of stars, moons and roses designed on the bottle using the matt paint technique.

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